Gel promoting complete polymerisation of dental composites
INOX protects the surface of composites by blocking oxygen access during the light-curing process
This prevents an oxygen inhibition layer from forming on the composite surface, increasing the efficiency of the polymerization process
INOX Gel is intended for use during :
– polymerisation process of light-hardened composites ;
– prosthetic treatments performed with the use of dental cement (e.g. placing veneers, inlays, onlays), in order to promote complete polymerisation of composites

INOX can also be used as a try-in gel for cementing of prosthetic works

INOX Gel makes the polymerized composite


HARDER – fully polymerized
SMOOTHER – better prepared for finishing
MORE DURABLE – more scratch- and abrasion-resistant
MORE AESTHETIC – less susceptible to discoloration

Paket Detayları : 2ml şırınga